Branch 4f family members

Following are the family members of Branch 4f sorted in alphabetical order by first name.

Also, you can see how these family members relate to each other in a PDF of this branch of the family tree. Note: it is best to use the family member’s full name when searching for them on the PDF.

Ann Beadle (died 1770) JM615C

Married at Kirk Smeaton.

Diane Crietson (died 1783) JM615D

Married in Thorne.

John Micklethwait (1778–1779) JM615F

Jonathan Micklethwait (1760–1763) JM615G

Born in Kirk Smeaton.

Richard Micklethwait (1758–1763) JM615H

Born in Kirk Smeaton.

Thomas Micklethwait (born 1755) JM615K

Born in Kirk Smeaton.

William Micklethwait (1721–1780) JM615A

Born at Hemsworth. Source: Hemsworth Parish Register. Died in Thorne.

William Micklethwait (1753–1782) JM615L

Born in Kirk Smeaton.